Life in the slow lane

I’m still working on my table after 4 months of tuition. I’m still enjoying it just as much as I was when I started but haven’t had the time to devote since I’m busy building a kitchen and veranda onto The Shack.

Today, after a 4 week break, I’m back in the workshop at the Woodwork Academy (see and slowly finding my feet or chisels, whichever come first. I forgot one of the most important lessons- make sure you know what you’re about to cut.

I just chiseled out between the dovetails instead of the actual dovetails. There’s just no way of getting around it- I’m a tool.

Then I tore out a piece of the dovetail. I’ve managed to fix it, it’s not in a highly visible spot fortunately – on the drawer side – but they were silly mistakes.

So remember: slow down and make sure you’re cutting the right thing- don’t be a tool like me.

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